



大阪家が始まったのは昭和55年(1980年)。移り変わりの激しい歌舞伎町の中で、大阪家は多くのお客様に愛され、時代の荒波に揉まれながらも現在までのれんを守り抜いてきました。大阪家をこの場所で長年続けてこられたのは、創業より伝わるお好み焼きのレシピのおかげ。大阪家を創業した女将は大阪出身。 女将が地元大阪で慣れ親しんだお好み焼きの味を元に、「秘伝のコナ」のレシピは生まれました。その味は改良が加えられながら今日まで伝わり、創業以来、皆様に親しんで頂いております。 賑やかに飲んで、アツアツのお好み焼きを頬張っているお客様を見ると、この味を守り伝えてくれた先代からの「努力」に感謝すると共に、このお好み焼きが本当に多くの方から愛されているんだ、という事を実感するのです。店内はお好み焼き食べて「ハフハフ」しながら生ビールをグイッと飲む。みたいな幸せタイムが溢れています。

Osakaya first opened its doors in the year 55 of the Showa era (1980). Raised in the turbulence of an ever changing Kabukicho District, Osakaya weathered the stormy seas; upheld its reputation through the eras, and is beloved by many. The key to Osakaya’s success for over long years is its secret okonomiyaki recipe, birthed by the okami (mother) of Osakaya. It was in her native hometown of Osaka that the okami learned what the true flavour of okonomiyaki is. Taking inspiration from this, she invented the hiden no kona secret recipe, which she continuously improved. 37 years later, to this day, this recipe is loved and savoured by Osakaya customers - regular and new.


  • 決めては真昆布の出汁とかつお節
  • 決めては真昆布の出汁とかつお節


  • While dried bonito flakes form the base of her okonomiyaki batter, it is the dried MA kelp that gives the okonomiyaki its rich and delicious flavor. A generous portion of Yamato potatoes also ensures that the okonomiyaki is fluffy and tender. Osakaya’s distinctive mixture gives the okonomiyaki sauce a sweet twist, while the flavorful bonito flakes dance on top of the sizzling okonomiyaki. Once you start munching on our okonomiyaki, the aroma of the bonito flakes will begin to spread gently in your mouth.

  • お好み焼き屋であり、


  • お好み焼き屋であり、普段使いが出来る鉄板焼屋
  • Osakaya is most famous for its okonomiyaki, so this is of course what we recommend you try, first and foremost, but there are also plenty of other teppanyaki style dishes for you to enjoy. These specialities include dishes like spicy cod roe, mochi (rice cakes) and cheese monjayaki, mixed yakisoba (fried noodles), grilled beef steak and vegetable skewers. As many people enjoy teppanyaki, it has become part of Osakaya’s tradition to offer an abundant variety of these delicious and affordable dishes.

  • 大阪家店内写真
  • 大阪家店内写真
  • 大阪家店内写真
  • 大阪家店内写真

予約 hotpepper


OSAKA-YA opened in 1980. For more than forty years, the restaurant has been welcoming, serving and providing a proper menu and cozy time for everyone from around the world in Shinjuku Kabukicho, the heart of Tokyo. Please experience and savor the taste of our traditional OKONOMI-YAKI anytime you want. We are ready to welcome you twenty-four-seven !

24時間営業 年中無休


東京都新宿歌舞伎町 1-17-12 第一浅川ビル B1F
B1F Daiichi asakawa building 1-17-12 Kabukicho,Shinjuku-ku,Tokkyo 160-0021,Japan

  • 大阪屋店内写真
  • おおさかやごーるど
  • osakayagold
  • 大阪家
  • 予約 hotpepper

  • 予約 食べログ


We opened our new restaurant OSAKA-YA-GOLD in 2023, just a minute walk from OSAKA-YA. Please enjoy our menu including traditional OKONOMI-YAKI, MONJYA-YAKI, and TEPPAN-YAKI. We have forty one seats, a smoking booth is available. We are open from 11:00 AM to11:00 PM. Please experience the very essence of OSAKA-YA.

AM11:00~PM11:00 年中無休


新宿区歌舞伎町1-22-3 ゴールドリッチビル2F 大阪家GOLD
2F Gold rich building 1-22-3 Kabukicho,Shinjuku-ku,Tokkyo 160-0021,Japan


配達可能エリアは限定されます。 詳細はUberEatsアプリ内でご確認ください。 店舗より直接のデリバリーサービスは行っておりません。

ご予約 大阪家GOLD